Admission to SDSU

A: No. All students must apply through the same admissions process and meet the admissions criteria. It is important to first visit the Admissions webpage. There you will find information about the eligibility criteria for admission to SDSU

A: The CSU admissions application does not consider disability as part of the admission process. For admissions purposes, SDSU takes into consideration Grade Point Average (GPA), SAT/ACT scores, and successful completion of required coursework. If you believe your disability impacted your academic profile, then contact the Director, at any time prior to the end of the application period.

A: SDS does not assist individuals in applying for admission to SDSU. Once you have been admitted to SDSU, you can contact our office to initiate the application process for determining eligibility and receiving accommodations. If you believe your disability impacted your academic profile, then contact the director, at any time prior to the end of the application period.

A: The SDSU General Catalog (2019-2020) states the following:

"If you are judged unable to fulfill a specific course requirement because of your disability, alternate college preparatory courses may be substituted for specific subject requirements. Substitutions may be authorized on an individual basis after review and recommendation by your academic adviser or guidance counselor in consultation with the director of a CSU disabled student services program. You should be aware that failure to complete courses required for admission may limit your later enrollment in certain majors, particularly those involving mathematics."

Please refer to the current General Catalog for additional information.

A: Please contact the Director, to discuss.

A: No. There are no specific course requirements for students with disabilities and the requirements for graduation are clearly listed in the General Catalog.

SDS offers a 1 unit General Studies seminar each fall semester. This seminar provides students with information to facilitate a smooth transition into SDSU.

Applying for SDS Accommodations and Services

A: After you receive notification of your provisional admission to SDSU, or if you are currently an enrolled student at SDSU, please visit Apply to SDS to learn which forms and documentation must be submitted. Once completed forms and documentation are submitted to the Student Ability Success Center, the review process will begin and you will be contacted once eligibility has been determined.

A: No. Services are authorized appropriate to each student's disability and provided without charge.

A: No, not necessarily. The criteria for assessing disability vary among high schools, colleges, and universities. For this reason, accommodations may vary depending on how the SDS evaluates documentation that is provided and individual student need.

A: No. These documents do not provide a comprehensive assessment and are not accepted as documentation of a disability. Documentation must include raw scores, as well as subtest scores, of all previous testing. See Eligibility and Documentation Criteria.

Policies and Other FAQs

Learn more about the rights of students with disabilities and the dispute resolution process on our Laws and Policies page.

As a California State University (CSU) office that provides services to students with disabilities, the California Secretary of State Office has designated Student Disability Services (SDS) as a National Voter Rights Act (NVRA) agency.

This provices SDSU students who are applying for SDS services the opportunity to register to vote on-line by using the following link: Register-To-Vote

Our counselors are also available to assist SDS students who prefer to schedule an appointment, and complete the printed mail-in voter registration form with reasonable disability related accommodations. For further information, please call 619-594-6473 or visit the SDS office at Calpulli Center, Suite 3101. 

Check out our scholarship information page with a listing of scholarships relating to disability offered through SDSU.